Cranes and vigilance
Ever since Lina came to Stockholm, she had thought it was a "dangerous" city. The difference in life in calm, safe Fröderyd and Stockholm was huge. Steam power had enabled new industries to grow. Boat traffic got competition when the railroad was built.
Life should have been better for people, but poverty and the poor social environment were a constant, wicked laughing ghost. Crime and drunken-ness belonged to everyday life for many. Through her social work, Lina and Oscar gained insight into much misery.
Lina also believed that in such a large city as Stockholm, there were opportunities for many activities, not least in the name of culture, which drew man away from fellowship with God and made the thought of eternity be pushed away. Lina's thoughts on this led to a song, whose first verse is:
If he will come today, your Lord and God,
Would you rather escape from his presence?
If you heard the chilling sound today
Of the trumpet in the cloud of heaven
Would joy or anxiety take you?
Tr. U.F.
Lina prayed to God that nothing would imprison her so that she would lose touch with him. As usual, she put her thoughts on paper and this heartfelt prayer song came about.
Free translation of verses 1 and 3:
Lord, don't let anything bind the wings
that You once gave tome!
Let me swing above the earth
live and sing only for you.
Oh, keep my wings free, I pray
Strengthen them so I can fly
Loose them from all that weighs down,
Lord, you know best what it is.
Tr. U.F.
The crane, which stands on one leg and holds a stone in the claws, is the symbol of vigilance. If the crane falls asleep, the grip on the stone loosens and it falls to the other foot. Then the bird wakes up because it hurts. Likewise, it is for us people, if we fall asleep in our spiritual life, it can be a painful awakening for us one day. We must live in close contact with God, so nothing shall bind our spiritual wings.