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The Miracle in Fröderyd

Undret. Den sjuka 12-åriga Lina Sandell bad till Gud om att få bli frisk och hon fick bönesvar direkt! - Mörk sjukdomstid - Nejlikor symbol för lidande - Leopard med ört i munnen symbol för livgivande kraft - Ärenpris symbol för alla goda egeskaper och därigenom även en Kristussymbol - Tavla nr 3 i Ulla Forsbergs beättelse om Lina Sandell - Lina vänder ryggen åt lidandet och i tro tar hon emot livgivande kraft från Jesus. När kraften strålar ut från honom måste sjukdomen ge vika.

On Sunday, November 17, just over a month after Lina's birthday, the family had gone to the morning service. Lina was home alone and so feeble that she couldn't even turn herself in bed. She wondered what Dad was preaching about. On the table next to the bed was the book with the preaching texts. With the utmost effort, she reached for it. She found that today's text was about Jesus raising a twelve-year-old girl from death.


Then Lina thought: "If he could help that girl who was twelve, then he can help me too, because I am also twelve years!" Immediately, she clasped her hands and prayed as hard as she could for Jesus to help her and heal her. AND THE MIRACLE HAPPENED!


Lina felt the forces coming. She could sit up in the bed! She put her feet on the floor, got up and went to the wardrobe and took out clothes. Happiness!


When the family came home, they found Lina dressed and beaming with joy! She told them about her experience and their happiness became great. Lina would then come to celebrate every year on November 17, for that day she had seen so clearly that God listens and she could trust that he answers!


The picture is about the miracle. The carnations symbolize suffering. I made them so big, because Lina's suffering had been so great. The yellow color on the vase is often the color for various negative phenomena, including evil. Therefore, the carnations are standing in a yellow vase. The suffering comes from the evil self.


In the picture, Lina turns her back on suffering and receives life-giving power from Jesus. When he touches her and power radiates from him, then the dark sickness time must give way. It bends out of the subject to the right.


Leopard with a herb in the mouth symbolizes life-giving power. The plant is a veronica. The Latin name, Veronica officinalis, has given rise to a pun: Vera unica medicine, that is, (Christ is) the true medicine of health. The flower is thus a Christ symbol.

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